Friday, November 20, 2009

I'm on PBS!!!!!


In June I did an interview with PBS NOVA SCIENCE NOW'S webseries the SECRET LIVES OF SCIENTISTS.  It's a project that interview scientists with weird hobbies.  Click on this link to see all the segments they made. 


Maggie said...

This is great Joe!! Wow, I freaking love PBS. Congrats on being featured!

ps- you probably don't remember me, but I met you at the Chicago Halloween show and we chatted about Pope John Paul II and his awesomeness. The shirt I bought (autographed by you and Paul, of course,) was a gift my for sister who couldn't be there that night... and she loved it! So thanks so much for being awesome, coming to Chicago, and sticking around to chat afterward. We really appreciate it!

AmandaLee said...

This was fantastic. And that's perhaps the best Joe shirt ever.

JossChadwick said...

That was awesome Joe, Kudos. Some of those questions were silly.